First attempt to run a 20th century with current cesm3 development version (alpha17f)
Use alpha17f with HYCOM1.
Starting from b.e23_alpha17f.BLT1850.ne30_t23…
Coupled simulation with updated components as of May 26, 2023
- Tag: `cesm2_3_alpha14a`
- Compset: `BLT1850_v0c`
- Resolution: `ne30pg3_t232`
The run initial result were advert…
Peter's new physics branch + clm 5.1 physics.
Basically same as https://github.com/NCAR/amwg_dev/issues/250 but with Peter's branch.
This is a 30-year run starting in 1979
Same as #229 + adding cosp and CO2 output.
The purpose of this run will be to test the new compset ``FLTHIST_v0a`` (this compset is the first version of ``FLTHIST``).
Land spinup with perpetual year 1850 F-case as requested on: #245
For CAM, similar tuning as in #296
- **compset**
20th century with RRTMGP + CLUBB bugfix
Same configuration as 92 but for BLTHIST.
Starting from b.e23_alpha17f.BLT1850.ne30_t232.098 at year 75.
- **add…
Run with 105 include + CO2 fix (as in #232)
**Case directory:**
Locally (if still available):
On github…
Same as #231 + adding fix from @fvitt
Since there is already a 'CO2MMR' option, you could add the case like this:
case ('CO2')
The purpose of this run will be to test the new compset ``FLTHIST_v0a`` (this compset is the first version of ``FLTHIST``).
See: https://github.com/NCAR/amwg_dev/issues/226
Dear Professor.
One problem is that in the ‘met_em.d03.2020-09-08_06:00:00.nc’ file generated after I run WPS, there are normal **NFUEL_CAT** values from 1-14. But in my wrf-sfire, the wrfinput file …