I've updated from 1.0.4 to 1.1.1 and apparently my setup with adding _data-pagefind-weight="2"_ to different elements does not work anymore. My top results in the search are pages that should be low i…
When I load the Modular UI results, I get the first 5 or 6 results (enough to fill my screen in my layout) and then a bunch of loading components. Scrolling does not update the state of the "loading" …
Docs and governance pages are hard to find (there are more than 30 or so in Pathoplexus).
We could use [Pagefind](https://pagefind.app/) to implement a site-wide search, as discussed in https://git…
https://github.com/cloudcannon/pagefind seems cool; would be nice to try this instead of stork/flexsearch if it performs sufficiently well.
Create placeholder similar to this: http://cloudcannon.com/deconstructions/2014/11/15/facebook-content-placeholder-deconstruction.html
- [Static web page - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_web_page)
- [StaticGen | Top Open Source Static Site Generators](https://www.staticgen.com/)
- [Top Static Site Generators For 20…
It'd be nice if the robots protected me from myself a little by running static analysis before merging to main
Aby wygodniej zarządzać stroną i jej zawartością warto rozważyć przerobienie jej, aby działała z jakimś statycznym generatorem contentu takim Gatsby, czy też Hugo.
Aby umożliwić łatw zarządzanie st…
Here's what I was using:
afeld updated
8 years ago