1. Define better eslint standard.
2. Base on some code standard guideline.
A modulban feleljen meg a Drupal coding standards -nek.
A coder modul ne jelezzen hibákat (minort sem).
Draft list of standards to enforce:
- Each file must have copyright notice at the top (maybe change from ISRG to CONTRIBUTORS)
- All files must be strict mode (`'use strict';`)
- Dependencies must be …
Break from issue #23 :
viliam-husar : fix coding standards
khepin : CS: sure, would be good
# ObjectivePHP RFC:
> * Version: 2.0.0
> * Date: 2017-01-09
> * Author: Gauthier Delamarre gauthier@objective-php.org
> * Status: Draft
## Summary
As the second version of ObjectivePH…
This is a discussion on coding standards for this project
Should this not be beefed up to actually state what **should** be done as a routine cleanup when a file is touched for a "real" reason.
Let's establish some coding standards as the current code base is getting horrific.
The current proposal is visible at:
Please discuss befor…
As an open-source project, I think it's very poor form to assert the company's internal (and quirky) coding standards... I kinda feel this should be reformatted to use the idiomatic D standard.
Decide on the matter of coding standards.
I suggest following this http://nodeguide.com/style.html