Add functions to internally compute correlations between OTU/ASV counts (transformed) and gene expression (transformed). After importing expression profiles and ASV/OTU counts, admins must be able to …
We should probably support the unicode aliases in the declaration of a presentation.
@present Systems(FreeSymmetricMonoidalCategory) begin
f::(A\to A)
If we combi…
val _ = this is an extremely long function application which must be wrapped onto additional lines due to its length
formats to
val _ =
this is an extremely long …
마리나, 연우에게,
7월 중에 너댓차례 모여서 word embedding에 관한 공부 목표 및 대략적일 일정
목표: word2vec을 이용하여
1. 세종말뭉치 word embedding: word2vec활용법 익히기, parameter setting관련 차이점 검토, 세종말뭉치+word2vec의 가능성과 한계 확인하기
2. 물결21자원 wor…
hauni updated
7 years ago
As described [here](https://ro-che.info/articles/2017-06-04-universally-stateless-monads) the class of monads for which `StM m a ~ a` holds enjoy better compositionality properties than the ones that …
We'd like to improve the experience of using js-interop with existing types from dart:html.
Common use cases are:
* an API in dart:html is not up to date or excludes something that is only availab…
See http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.hol/1502 and https://bitbucket.org/makarius/yxml/src/
We already have a compressed (hash-consed) format for our types, terms and theorems in `Dis…
We need to populate the recent publications page with recent papers. We need the authors list, abstract, link to pdf, downloaded pdf, and a figure for the preview. This can be a figure from the paper …
I was looking for topoi computation libraries and found this. By the way, check out https://topos.institute/