### Description
Hi creators of Stellargraph. First of all, great work on this package!
I have one question, I would like to also work with time-series on graphs with graph convolutional networks…
Here is the list of tutorials that were removed from the website for not meeting the quality bar. These tutorials should be improved, reviewed and committed.
- [How do I work with MXNet within a Ma…
- [ ] [ Neural Baby Talk](http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2018/papers/Lu_Neural_Baby_Talk_CVPR_2018_paper.pdf)
Image captioning
predict template-like sentences
Reference: [Hy…
Using Keras with the TensorFlow backend we'll create a simple artificial neural network (ANN) using two layers, 1) convolutional neural network and 2) LSTM, for predicting the CAM PTTEND forcing tende…
I have went through your codes and I'm still a little bit confused about the structures of theses two models (I'm not very good at reading codes, forgive me): are they independent from each oth…
### 第六周科研总结
- 研究了CBLSTM,阅读论文《Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Fault Diagnosis of High-Speed Train Bogie》
- 找到了暂时没有人做的方向: LSTM-FCN 网络结构,打算通过添加双向进行改进并应用在故障检测中
- 确定了先写BLSTM方向的论文
### 第七周…
Keras's implementation of Convolutional LSTM (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/layers/ConvLSTM2D) uses `recurrent_intializer = orthogonal` to avoid exploding gradients.
This impl…
### Deep Learning Simplified Repository (Proposing new issue)
:red_circle: **Project Title** : Facial Skin Diseases Classification using DL
:red_circle: **Aim** : The aim of this project is to class…
I really wish it was evident in the Title
Tinker With a Neural Network (Using the: XNN / Using LSTM: No) Right Here in Your Browser.
Don’t Worry, You Can’t Break It. We Promise.
Pick XNN from se…