I think it could be interesting to have a third option for using Json Schema in credentials.
The third option would be, in the `JsonSchemaCredential`, instead of providing the full Json Schema (pro…
If a credential is posted to an issuer instance, this library returns 500 if that credential has an undefined term or type.
'@context': ['...credentials v2 context'],
Currently, the OID4VC plugin doesn't support multitenancy, and all operations are saved in the base wallet. When we secure the admin API, the supported credentials data is not passed on to the `.well-…
Hi OpenID4VCI authors! With a cross-pilot working group we’re specifying [Hierarchical Deterministic Keys](https://github.com/sander/hierarchical-deterministic-keys) (HDKs) for the European Digital Id…
Token endpoint path should be fetched from issuer's openid configuration (.well-known/openid-configuration) endpoint. AzureAD has oauth2/token for instance and OAuth2Client is unable to fetch access t…
So, I am not sure if this is a bug or I don't understand how the whole thing is supposed to work.
The [credentials setting code](https://github.com/OSC/ondemand/blob/master/hooks/k8s-bootstrap/set…
### Description
Create an SDK that enables the automated issuance of VCreds or NFTs using off-chain data as inputs. This SDK should utilize [Programmable Key Pairs (PKPs)](https://developer.litprotoco…
This issue outlines gaps in testing of Verifiable Credentials and associated specs (JSON Schema, Status List, Verifiable Presentations). Tasks may have partial test coverage today (linked if true). If…
I believe this is a known issue and I wanted to know if it is fixed in some argo cd version.
I am using ARGOCD 2.7.4 with LOGN via SSO and intermittently getting this error in google chro…
PoP of Credential cnf key hould not be used, instead an api-key exchanged between wallet and Issuer.
Advantages are:
- enables claim-based bound credentials
- does not require user interaction as…