These terms in CGMES-NC Header-AP-Voc-RDFS2020 are junk: not meaningful names, namespace hijacking (`dcat, dcterms`), start with uppercase. Must be fixed:
dcat:Resource7 a rdf:Property ;
As describe in the ckan/Dockerfile.dev, I added the following lines to `Dockerfile`, and run `docker compose build`
RUN pip3 install -e git+https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-dcat.git@v0.0.6#egg…
Captured from chat of meeting on 1st August 2024
Rob: note subtle difference of record OGC API Records "language" and DCAT:language https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat-3/#Property:resource_language
We have discussed that it would be desirable to model datasets that could be grouped together, based on the fact that those belong to the same wind farm and a specific time period.
From my perspect…
The reference ISO-19139 to GeoDCAT-AP XSLT [defaults to converting Dataset online resources as `dcat:landingPage`](https://github.com/SEMICeu/iso-19139-to-dcat-ap/blob/master/iso-19139-to-dcat-ap.xsl#…
There is an ongoing discussion about the best practice for the `isReferencedBy` property. The specification allows any rdf:ressource for this property.
Some data providers provide a…
From your diagram, every class with the `dcatap:applicableLegislation` is a descendant of `dcat:Resource`, it would be better to place the new attribute in `dcat:Resource` rather than repeating it ev…
This issue is associated with the charter epic #4.
# What cross-domain knowledge sharing approach does this issue address?
--> An overview was given in [meeting](https://docs.googl…
**DCAT version:** 3
**Document version:** [2024-08-22](https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/REC-vocab-dcat-3-20240822/)
While looking through the docs, I noticed that some documentation in regards to…
We have used W3C’s recommendations for mapping from ISO 19115 to Schema.org. This table summarises the Schema.org equivalence statements given for each element below.
Whilst there is no specific DD2 …