Otherwise it requires to breed more of them for no good reason.
$> reproman create -t aws-ec2 my-nitrc-west-2 -b region_name=us-west-…
# Description
| Related issue | Epic issue |
| #26715 | #26723 |
| Agent tier | Central components support | OS type |
| 1 | No | Major |
# Plan
It would be nice to be able to import a key pair into a region using Cloud Formation.
It is already possible to do this in the AWS console, and you can do this using the AWS CLI:
`aws ec2 import…
Tring to do a terraform plan in terraform-remote-exec-example, I get:
% terraform plan
The EC2 Key Pair to associate with the EC2 Instance for SSH access.
Enter a v…
Whenever TF is run and the EC2 instance is replaced, it does not contain any public key of a key pair that can be used to connect to the instance.
We need to ensure that everytime an EC2 instance i…
Error: file provisioner error
│ with module.magento.module.magento-ami.aws_instance.magento_instance,
│ on ../modules/magento-ami/ec2.tf line 19, in resource "aws_instance" "magento_instance…
I followed the readme to the point of where we need to run this script. However, when using the configuration file that is sent out, but firstly, we cannot use the parameter SecurityGroups as then it …
- [ ] The aws cli example is:
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name "my-key" --public-key-material file://~/.ssh/my-key.pub
- [ ] We should also account for creating a Security Group that allows SS…
I've generated an ssh key `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "email"`and used the public key `aws.pub` for importing an key-pair in AWS
when i create an instance with
`docker-machine create --driver amaz…
Hi, I am trying to setup a keybox for ec2 instances which are from different aws accounts, each account has it's own individual keypair for the instances. I did use the "supplying-a-custom-ssh-key-pai…