All files in processors folder just consist functions but don't have programing running entrance(like __name__=__main__).how can I run this files?
in .versions ... should the return print have the following syntax: "print("{}".format(XXX)) because in Python3.6 I get `In [6]: nlp4j_wrapper.version(BINARIES_PATH)
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Thank you for this awesome project. @datquocnguyen @vncorenlp
I'm very interested in your Dynamic Feature induction for NER. Can you please provide the source code? At least the dynamic …
I used spacy to analyze a short (german) sentence and would like to know more about the used "names"
For example:
The ClearNLP doc pointed to doesn't include quite few of the dependency tags. Here is a Stanford doc that has all of them except DATIVE.
Integrate NLP4J, the successor to ClearNLP.
> This version supports tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, morphological analysis, named entity recognition, and dependency parsing. The next release …
It seems the links to reader and structure in homework5 instructions do not work. Which reader and structure python files is being referred to? Do we need to use reader.py structure.py and depe…
I am trying to use NPLTrain in ner mode. I have been using the file attached but get the error below.
./bin/nlptrain -c config-train-ner.xml -mode ner -t sample-trn.tsv -d sample-dev.tsv …
I am working on a comparison of tokenizers for microblog texts, and am finding issues with nlpj 1.1.3 (from http://nlp.mathcs.emory.edu/nlp4j/nlp4j-appassembler-1.1.3.tgz).
This issue involves html-…