This is definitely not something I imagine everyone needs/wants but I'm a big user of Feedbin's 'Recently Read' list and would love for NetNewsWire to support it. This is something that [requires an a…
around one month ago I received for every youtube feed an alert saying that the youtube was upgraded to a newer version that is not supported on the app or device.
This is the Feedbin logo, mirrored, and with some sesame seeds on top. I guess it's supposed to be a funny joke about hamburger menus, but it's _super_ unclear and probably infringing on something…
I just imported a bunch of stuff from Feedbin and it's all lovely except you totally obeyed the Feedbin tags, which means nothing appeared on the 🏠 page. I'm going to have to edit all the tags now (or…
Hi, I posted this on the NNW GitHub, but was redirected here.
Almost every time I use Reader View on NNW the top image is missing, see below.
![WhatsApp Image 2024-02-08 at 16 12 05](https://git…
It appears that the full endpoint including the bucket name is feedbin.minio.feedbin.domain.tld. Import worker tries to access that when importing an OPML then fails. I did try to forward the full nam…
I've filled out all the variables and got it running. But when I try to access Feedbin, all i get is a page saying:
Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
FOURCE_SSL is set to…
Thanks for this API! It's handy.
I noticed that when adding a new subscription via the web app, the search string (which may or may not be a URL) is passed as a `POST` request to the `/feeds/search…
You must have done something with the HTML code because since today I have not been able to seen any of the feeds content. I am arguably using (at work) an outdated version of IE (IE 9. 0.8112.164…
This isn't a big deal for the desktop version, but for the mobile version it basically invites the use of the back button because you're constantly switching between views. Unfortunately because of th…