This is the Feedbin logo, mirrored, and with some sesame seeds on top. I guess it's supposed to be a funny joke about hamburger menus, but it's _super_ unclear and probably infringing on something…
I just imported a bunch of stuff from Feedbin and it's all lovely except you totally obeyed the Feedbin tags, which means nothing appeared on the 🏠 page. I'm going to have to edit all the tags now (or…
It appears that the full endpoint including the bucket name is feedbin.minio.feedbin.domain.tld. Import worker tries to access that when importing an OPML then fails. I did try to forward the full nam…
I've filled out all the variables and got it running. But when I try to access Feedbin, all i get is a page saying:
Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
FOURCE_SSL is set to…
You must have done something with the HTML code because since today I have not been able to seen any of the feeds content. I am arguably using (at work) an outdated version of IE (IE 9. 0.8112.164…
This isn't a big deal for the desktop version, but for the mobile version it basically invites the use of the back button because you're constantly switching between views. Unfortunately because of th…
If an RSS `item` has a `link` of the form:
The resultant link shou…
hello I would like to self host, but I did not find the dockerfile
Add in retry/backoff and rate limiting just to be a polite client of the feedbin API
Hope you're safe
Thanks so much for creating this 🤯
I've been trying to get this build running on multiple occasions over the past few weeks and I'm on the verge of giving up and using ht…