GraphiQL is giving me this error
Error: Query fields must be an object with field names as keys or a function which returns such an object.
at exports.default (https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/…
composer error ```gency/laravel-graphql-filter v1.0.4 requires folklore/graphql dev-feature/relay```
Anyway you could allow this to work with the master branch as well?
While we wouldn't get to them in the 3-day version of the course, they are useful but still pretty much folklore. A number of libraries use them (waargonaut, sv, hasql, discrimination, ...?) but in te…
Some EA ethnicities had NA in all motifs in the raw dataset (`raw/folklore/data/Replication_Data_Folklore/Original_Files/Motifs_EA_groups.dta`). I fixed them using the following algorithm:
1. For …
Rotten flesh is zombie flesh, and zombies were at one point humans. So this means eating rotten flesh is cannibalism. According to Canadian folklore, when you eat human flesh, you become a wendigo.
*Hack is one my top two favourite roguelike categories (since 1993.) Since early days, NetHack had quite a few magic/unique/ artifacts/relic items one might expect--and obscure ones--but misses some …
**esy version:** 0.5.6
**Operating System:** Windows 10 (1809)
On `esy build` I got a `Permission Denied` error on trying to move a file:
esy-build-package: move
Hello everyone! Please look at the code:
``` php
In ImageServiceProvider.php line 42:
Call to undefined method Intervention\Image\ImageManager::pattern()
Following the instructions in the installation guide for Lumen, running `php artisan graphql:publish` generates an error,
`In LumenServiceProvider.php line 50:
Call to undefined method Folklore\Gr…