- Assign Grades.
See a table of all students in a class with:
• Each project with overall grade
• Instructor-specific notes
• Anything else?
The gradebook grades seems to be completely missing.
![Screenshot 2023-05-25 145905](https://github.com/PacificEMIS/Pacific-SIS/assets/1091769/a4b99970-5ba3-426a-be1b-695c54fb55bf)
We have used the merge users plugin for a while (since it was a report). We just noticed that it is not merging grades within a gradebook in a course when both of the student accounts were enrolled, a…
**Which course contains the bug?**
All psyc adc courses (see notion [PSYC Master courses](https://www.notion.so/twuid/PSYC-Adult-Degree-Completion-355dd35773f84d238291fe1d91db5ab4))
(& BA Lead, GX…
Generate reports based on grades for the whole class or user and that sort of stuff.
stas updated
11 years ago
Dear @valentinacupac ,
for this task, should I download and install MYSQL? Moreover, should I download JDBC driver and put in classpath?
Thank you in advance for response.