### Enter your question -
Given a square matrix, find the difference of the sum of primary and secondary diagonal elements.
### Enter link to the question(if question belongs to any online platf…
### Enter your question -
You are given N integers. Sort the N integers and print the sorted order.
Store the N integers in a vector. Vectors are sequence containers representing arrays that can ch…
Add the solutions in **Leetcode** folder with proper names.
Hyy , My name is Anamika Jain ,I solved many questions of DSA and have some grip on it. I want to contribute for
geeks-for-geeks-solutions repository.
@Ashish-kumar7 please assign some topic to m…
### Enter your question -
Given two arrays of integers, find which elements in the second array are missing from the first array.
### Enter link to the question(if question belongs to any online …
DSA in java make be quite harder .
Help me to complete DSA in java`
We will store python resources here
Hey, I would like to add questions related to DSA in C++. Please assign me the fest tag.