Met name de instructie dat het vertalingswerk op basis van de 4.1 release tag - en expliciet *NIET* obv de meest recente development versie - dient te gebeuren lijkt mogelijk ongedaan gemaakt te zijn …
Ik vraag mij af of de Nederlandse vertaling van het artikel 1.2.1 van de Grondwet (Werken met Spanningen) waarin gesproken wordt over ‘het oplossen van verschillen’ juist geformuleerd c.q. vertaald is…
Hi there,
I have a conceptual issue:
When a multi-filled role becomes a circle (i.e. anyone of the role-leads of that role can make it a circle anytime), it becomes _one_ circle with all role-fi…
I was wondering if it's possible to have the pdf versions of the documents in the releases ?
I think it will be easier if when people download the latest release of the constitution, the pdf ver…
### Problem to solve
More complicated discussions tend to have a flow: "first start with intent - do we all agree - then start with brainstorming - do we all agree - then a proposal and feedback s…
See https://github.com/holacracyone/Holacracy-Constitution/issues/444.
Is there a reason to make the German constitution sound like left wing woke Propaganda by using Gendersternchen?
There are …
- Focused and coherent meetings
- Evolving organizational structure
- Local and distributed organizational design
- Clear structure for distributed decision making
In the Holacracy Constitution v5 section 1.1 defines a policy as follows:
_A Role may also hold “Policies”, which are grants or constraints of authority, or special rules that apply within that Rol…
The [German 5.0 version of the Constitution](https://github.com/holacracyone/Holacracy-Constitution-5.0-GERMAN/blob/main/Holacracy-Verfassung.md) uses a [Gendersternchen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki…
I come back on the subject which remained without continuation in this [thread ](https://github.com/holacracyone/Holacracy-Constitution/pull/394#issuecomment-739648865 )
Tension is defined in [arti…