The Matlab version of CVX [1,2] offers the options of calling the Huber function with either `huber(x,M)` or `huber(x,M,t)`. The latter computes `t+t*huber(x/t,M)`, which is useful for concomitant sca…
When installing celltypist by 'pip install celltypist', I had this error with the function celltypist.train -
InvalidParameterError: The 'loss' parameter of SGDClassifier must be a str among {'hub…
when I just use the huber loss in file "03_linreg_placeholder" in line 36, I get different results from the notes.
w=-4.2249994 b=78.485054
Referring to issue #34, the behavior and abilities of Codeface need to be documented. What kinds of `From`-line formats are supported when supplying mbox files to the mailing-list analysis of Codeface…
### 💡 Description
We received feedback from Lyle Huber of the Atmospheres Node:
> On the Cassini-Huygens investigation page, the default spacecraft should be the Cassini Orbiter not the Huygens Pr…
Huberized Classification (modified huber loss):
https://github.com/harrysouthworth/gbm/blob/master/src/huberized.cpp (somewhat buggy IMO)
First of all, just discovered `huber` and am LOVING it. Thank you for putting this together and keeping it up to date.
`huber update` will update apps installed with `huber install -v ` to the la…
The flatten function computes the trend and then divides it into the input flux to get the output flux. That implies that the trend comes back from the estimator centred on a value of 1, but for Huber…
Hi @alexhroom,
Could you implement Huber's weight parameter in the Rodionov function as in Rodionov (2006)?
This function handles outliers based on Huber's weight function (Huber, 2005).
The impl…
robust.scale.Huber looks interesting, even has axis.
(I never read the details)
equivalence of `robust.scale.Huber` and `RLM`
difference might be different convergence criteria
>>> chem = np.arr…