[Right for the right reasons: Training differentiable models by constraining their explanations](https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2017/371)
Expressive classifiers such as neural networks are among t…
hi davidstone,
i saw you used minimax / alpha-beta-pruning for your ai.
the problem: pokemon is not an sequential game, where both players do their moves alternating, it is an simultaneous-move gam…
The updated url for the CIDDS-001 dataset is:
The updated url…
Hi, Thanks for sharing the code. However, I noticed that the loss function in the code misses the aspect discriminator loss (Equation (8) in the paper). And there's an additional context_predition los…
# 基于知识库的问答综述(KBQA) | 一隅
简介 今天来读一篇2021年的知识库问答的综述,《A Survey on Complex Knowledge Base Question Answering:Methods, Challenges and Solutions》,论文收录在IJCAI 2021中。这篇文章主要介绍了知识库问答的背景与挑战,并总结介绍了两大主流方法:基于语义解析(sem…
Hello!! I'm excited when I meet the nengo project!! I want to simulate my neuron model in nengo_loihi or nengo_FPGA. However, my neuron model can fire negative spike. I know the nengo support negative…
There are two duplicate `crf-dependency` in your README.md, I think it's a typo.
from README.md: The code of ACL'20 paper (Cʀꜰ2o is not ported yet) and IJCAI'20 paper is available at the `crf-depen…
I'm implementing Hartigan's K-Means in C++ with a Cython wrapper, and when it's done I'd be glad to contribute it to scikit-learn. The implementation follows the pseudo code described in the IJ…