Hi @nextgenusfs & @hyphaltip,
Could a docker image for arm64 architecture be built? Based on this [article](https://www.padok.fr/en/blog/docker-arm-architectures), multiple platform architectures c…
While adding support for oci_image to rules_k8s I ran into the following issue.
I am pushing an image with `--platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64` from my local osx machine and g…
Is it possible to have/build a GROBID CRF-only docker container image for linux/arm64 architecture?
When using this Action, the following is printed to console output:
> WARNING: Azure CLI 2.63.0 is the last version available on Alpine and will not receive updates. Consider migrating to the Azure L…
* ReaR version ("/usr/sbin/rear -V"):
Relax-and-Recover 2.7 / Git
* If your ReaR version is not the current version, explain why you can't upgrade:
Does not apply
* OS version ("cat /etc/os-re…
According to the [docs][1] the latest x84_64 image identifier for ***Amazon Linux 2023*** is `aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:5.0`:
![screenshot of docs, in case they are updated later](…
The Windows images have JDK 11.0.23 installed but the Linux and MacOS ones have JDK 8.
As I am trying to get the aspnet repository to build successfully when users have a more recent version locally,…
In revision "b7e3c78766c3b95198b7fbe5307e0fdad672b0cd" of isar, I was able to install the linux-kbuild-${KERNEL_NAME}-native package in the SDK's rootfs by adding the following configuration to local.…
Can we get the image conversion tool for Linux and macOS - would it be possible to release the source code so that we can compile it ourselves?
It looks like it is mostly a wrapper around lodepng b…
Hi there,
In your releases, you're providing linux/x86_64 binaries, but the docker image for the last little is only as linux/arm64 image.