This theme is amazingly unique! I was looking for a Jekyll theme on jekyllthemes.io that could really make my blog stand out, and I saw Hikari, and thought that this would be the one I could really bu…
Are there known issues with this site? It seems like there are a lot of broken links. Some examples here:
Fantastic theme, minimalist, stylish, just exactly what I was looking for. The Octocat icon at `#banner > #logo` doesn't look too great on my screen, however (scales poorly, blurred, pixelated):
In progress
Most 3rd party CSS, Font and JS reveals you browsing site by request header `Origin` attribute.
I know that a lot of you block fonts by default and JS sometimes or most the times, but most of you do …
crssi updated
5 years ago
@pjackson28 @nrustand92 can you add to this list of things to tackle during this activity.
- [ ] Responsive tables (column selector, column prioritisation, linearisation)
- [ ] Server message pages fo…
I suggest new stratagus is released, since for me and other people there were really major improvements lately. I also contacted stratagus.com and perhaps github and where to download will be more emp…
我这页面上显示现在的模块数目是 89,618
https://www.npmjs.org/ 显示当前模块数是 89 745
但是我执行 sync_not_exist 却提示
[tools/sync_not_exist.js] start sync not exist modules
[Tue Aug 19 2014 22:06:06 GMT+0800 (CST)] [wor…
This issue was started as [Issue #236](https://github.com/MDAnalysis/mdanalysis/issues/236) on the mdanalysis issue tracker — see there for more background.
The [www.mdanalysis.org](http://www.mdanal…
Here are some themes I felt might suit this type of site well:
- https://mmistakes.github.io/skinny-bones-jekyll/ (Minimalist, Parallax Scrolling, Multiple Pages)
- http://www.binarytheme.com/btlived…