This is a problem because it exposes personal information and administrators have to go in and manually hide requests.
I'd like to quantify the problem and then work out what we should do about it. S…
Dear Community,
I have recently been using this tool, I was able to successfully publish an image service. However, when I am trying to consume this Image service and validating it < i receive the …
Underwhelmed by your demanding, undemocratic, disparaging way of working. When someone can't see your point you prefer to call them stupid, rather than realise that you have not provided actual eviden…
# cTAKES 4.0 - Dictionary Creator GUI
A configuração padrão do Dictionary Lookup usa um banco de dados hsqldb contendo termos e códigos normalizados (CUIs). Bancos de dados de dicionário contendo i…
@rnfinnegan, that was a great talk on the work you and @pchlap have been doing in Platipy undergoing approximately anatomically relevant deformations.
As discussed at the conference I had a thought…
Anyone using GAZ, please add comments to this ticket!
Also include whether you use the obo or owl file, if you download or use an API, etc. Note any specific things you would like to see at a gener…
Using https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FFyRhI5TeUb-B4t50HRZYF_XngRt_mfAIz82UQ3geFk/edit#gid=0
# Prerequisites
- [x] I have searched [open](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues) and [closed](https://github.com/ci-fhir-r4/Issues/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed) issues to m…
I found a source of freely-available textbooks that are not indexed in OpenLibrary. This issue is to consider including their corpus in Open Library. Actually a short web search brings up several sit…
[9/23/2024, 8:36:38 AM] [ISolarCloud] getPsDetail response = {"result_msg":"er_token_login_invalid","result_data":null,"result_code":"E00003"}
[9/23/2024, 8:36:38 AM] [ISolarCloud] Error: er_token_lo…