### Serverless Docs
Welcome to Elastic Serverless
### Description
The following takes you through my testing of trying to get my example to work
When testing the [Aggregations](https://www.elasti…
### How to Reproduce
1. Start a Molgenis instance.
2. Upload test data [it_emx_onetomany (2).xlsx](https://github.com/molgenis/molgenis/files/5340944/it_emx_onetomany.2.xlsx)
(found it in https:/…
┆Issue is synchronized with this [Jira Task](https://mozilla-hub.atlassian.net/browse/FXIOS-9309)
Please provide some information in the README as to how to run your script on a given string.
PS I’m @noor-gate ‘s friend
UIU- We are noticing that the Language facet in VuFind 4.1 is pulling in works that don't match the predominant language, particularly works in translation. It is also pulling in languages listed in s…
As the title says...
A "Web Update" tool is mentioned in the penultimate step of the "first run" configuration, and also gets mentioned on the "Tip of the Day" dialog.
But such tool is not prese…
We use UUID type as a primary key. The problem is these values are not exported.
I slightly modified quarkus-dbunit-example to reproduce the problem:
@Table(name = "book")
Type: Bug
1. Needs to be a retina Mac OS screen.
2. Place cursor between 2 lines of source control in the icons area. The area the issue occurs is only 1 (actual) pixel tall.
See video
VS Co…
As George Orwell opined, some animals are [more equal than others](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/all-animals-are-equal--but-some-animals-are-more-equal-than-others).
As these classes are *mor…
``` bash
org.spongycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException: Mac codes failed to equal.
at org.spongycastle.crypto.engines.IESEngine.decryptBlock(IESEngine.java:210)
at org.spongycastle.crypto.engines…