![Othello (board game) free icon 1](https://github.com/asherbillinkoff/reversi/assets/109813330/6a81a9e9-2001-457a-b2d2-a91c61f54ee9)
The page crashes after only a few moves in Chrome stable (58.0.3029.110) on Mac.
See attached gif for example
![othello crash](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57655/27145899-36595a04-50e…
I'm still trying to use the tool. The fuse part works, performance is good.
But I'm havin trouble with the php-sync. I have changed the rsync options to deal with ssh (-e ssh).
I enabled Verbose o…
After less than 10 moves the interaction gets very slow. Eventually taking two seconds or more to respond to a click.
See attached gif
![othello ff](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57655…
### FAQ
- [X] Yes, my issue is not about [variability](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main/docs/variability.md) or [throttling](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/blob/main…
# Abstract
Let's build Othello, the black and white completion, in the quantum version. Starting with NxN board, as usual, two players (or teams) can put their disc on the board in either superpositi…
There are 2 differences from Othello rules:
1. Black always goes first.
2. You can pass if and only if you cannot make a move. If you _can_ make a move, you _must_.
Create function to calculate the value of a play from a JSON. Example:
"costumer" : "BigCo",
"performaces" : [
"playID" : "hamelet",
"audience" …