Creating pages that explain to users where their data is going and how it will b used. urgent because project allows people to use their own personal interests to navigate what they want to do on the …
We wanted to let you know that you’ve used 80% of your data plan for Git LFS on your personal account eubnara. No immediate action is necessary, but you might want to consider purchasing addition…
To meet our members' requests for content and data deletion, we need to implement robust "data scrubbing" capabilities. This process will ensure that we can effectively remove specified information (m…
### Reproduction
1. I've received tons of (200) invitations from neil@be to my personal email address. They are titled "Teams meeting with invitees" and "Teams meeting without invitees". I saved them…
Hi @GeorgeEfstathiadis @hackdna,
I followed the code below to simulate GPS data.
import datetime
from forest.bonsai.simulate_gps_data import gps_to_csv, sim_gps_data
from forest.b…
Can we train personal data into model? How to do that? Is this public and data sharing? Could we ask sensitive data ?
Data is here: https://fhgraubuenden-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/capolcorsin_fhgr_ch/EvcZjQ0w7INGpSAeVPGbc-sBUUbGZaTzeXA_2pTuYJ1EcQ?e=xCA0jV
With the delete account feature, why don’t you add WordPress’s Core feature: delete personal data, so that Woocommerce’s orders’ data to be deleted as well?
Ensuring users' data is private and secure since personal information is being collected.