I have tried both with "pretrained_model/mobileNetV2_0.25.pth" and without this pretrained model for retraining the model for common, challenge and fullset.
However, losses never goes down to below…
I am curious to know what kind of DL inference framework used this HyperLandmark android app?
Can you share this information?
Hello,thank you ao much for awesome work,how yo get landmarks points from this model?
Im using Face recognition and i need to have facial landmarks.
得到的onnx_output.jpg的显示结果全都在图像的左上角, 而且也不像是等比例缩放的结果,这是为什么呢?
The paper mentioned that the method first trains on wflw dataset and use the weights as pretrain model and train on 300w
However, 300w just has 68 points without angle. How the method work with th…
Step1: Prepare the training data
Align the face images to 112*112 according to face_align.py.
RuntimeError: ./checkpoint/snapshot/checkpoint.pth.tar is a zip archive (did you mean to use torch.jit.load()?)