``` sh
% git status
On branch [branch]
Your branch is up to date with '[branch]'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage)
[4 changed files]
% pre-commit run…
### PHP Version
### CodeIgniter4 Version
### CodeIgniter4 Installation Method
Manual (zip or tar.gz)
### Which operating systems have you tested for this bug?
### Which server …
To release 1.7.0 we need to get tests passing.
The theme now depends on a (sub-)module. However theme dependencies modules are not enabled when enabling the theme:
### What Happened
I use the junit and xml coverage output from Pest for [Infection](https://github.com/infection/infection).
This has been working until Pest 2.32.0 where [junit support was added …
As previously reported in #3258, `@runClassInSeparateProcess` has the same effect as `@runTestsInSeparateProcesses`.
Unless I am mistaken (which I may well be), this can be proven by applying ...
## Describe the expected outcome of your requested feature
It should be possible to use snapshots instead of manual writing (at least) FE API tests, let's examine and possibly use https://github.com/…
| Q | A
| --------------------| ---------------
| PHPUnit version | 10.5.19
| PHP version | 8.2.18
| Installation Method | Composer
| BypassFinals version | 1.6.…
On Drone, the phpunit tests are not running on the strict mode, so some tests are skipped.
+ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Location: public/storage
Docker Desktop on Windows creates a file in place of the symbolic link that's supposed to go here.
This seems to be a cause of the following unit test failing:
Hey everyone
I'm experiencing a Fatal error:
**During class fetch: Uncaught ErrorException: Required parameter $method follows optional parameter expectation**
The message shows on a simple ind…