posts = list(api.search_submissions(subreddit='hololive',
$ date
Mer 24 fév 2021 08:32:11 CET
$ curl -s "https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/search/submission/?subreddit=xyz&num_comments=>100" | less
"created_utc": …
regel updated
3 years ago
Deleted posts on reddit have an empty string url and so it fails to download, but still returns the JSON. Check out pushshift.io.
They crawl reddit have a huge dataset of comments and posts and an …
C:\Users\Administrator\.virtualenvs\reddit-karma-farming-bot-4.0.4-irMUKD2V\Lib\site-packages\psaw\PushshiftAPI.py:192: UserWarning: Got non 200 code 404
warnings.warn("Got non 200 code %s" % respo…
Without the API, I'm able to search via `selftext:not`:
pushshift_query = f"https://api.pushshift.io/reddit/submission/search/?subreddit={subreddit}&after={after}&before={before}&selftext={que…
The last update was a month ago, but when trying to download from `pushshift.io` it **doesn't work!** Why don't you fix this situation that has been going on for months? Thank you
### Describe the bug
Hello. Thanks for this project. Whenever I set a PushShift source for a user and set the criteria to be over_18 equals (or matches) true, it just doesn't download anything or ski…
**First off... great work on this**
I have been unsuccessful at making any calls to the `/reddit/subreddit/search` endpoint; either 404 or 502'd.
If the endpoint is live/active, could someone p…
Care to join the party :) ?
**Test Query:**
comments = api.search_comments(