Hello everyone:
I have successfully installed the library on the Raspberry Pi, but when I try to run simpletest_raspicam.cpp, there is an error.
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmmal
/usr/bin/ld: cannot …
I was following the instructions on installing raspicam for my Turtlebot 3 Burger with ROS Noetic. I notice that the first instruction is run sudo raspi-config. I notice that it does not exist…
Hello Tork-A,
I am attempting to use this project with a Create 2, and RPLidar A1. When i attempt to launch the project inside the Create 2, I receive and error about not being able to bind to ports.…
got a fresh install of raspbian running and I keep on encountering this issue :(
[ -d _build ] || mkdir _build
[ -f _build/Makefile ] || (cd _build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Releas…
I'm trying node-raspicam for record video. Apparently it's working correctly, but when I'm recording appears a lot of logs messages in console that says "raspicam::watcher::event changed".
I think…
$ node raspicam.js photo /home/user/
Error: RaspiCam: must define mode and output
The `camerav1_1280x720.launch` only gives me 51 Hz on `/raspicam_node/image/compressed`. Is this expected?
With `roslaunch raspicam_node camerav1_1280x720.launch enable_raw:=true` this drops to 21 …
Any idea how to enable raw when using raspicam_node?
i always use /raspicam_node/image/compressed.
how can i change the topic to /raspicam_node/image?
because i want uncompressed image
I built raspicam successfully but failed to ran the test program.
The program stuck like the following:
pi@raspberrypi:~/workspace/raspicam/build/utils $ ./raspicam_test
Usage (-help for help)
I tried building the package from source with ros noetic in rpi4 with 64 bit, downloaded all dependencies and libraries but while building catkin_make it builds completely but giving following error a…