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## Terminal Stuff
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skial updated
5 years ago
查找部分包的时候,在官方源上能找到该包,但是在taobao源上就找不到,就算在https://npm.taobao.org/ 上手动点了sync还是查询不到。具体的包列表如下:
When using events (such as onMessage) does the 'bot' need to be logged in like so:
var rbx = require('roblox-js');
var onMessage = rbx.onMessage();
我这页面上显示现在的模块数目是 89,618
https://www.npmjs.org/ 显示当前模块数是 89 745
但是我执行 sync_not_exist 却提示
[tools/sync_not_exist.js] start sync not exist modules
[Tue Aug 19 2014 22:06:06 GMT+0800 (CST)] [wor…