I have created Angular UI components for my project using this generator, but all my library component included in my application bundle (using `angular-cli`).
How can i have bundle only for the mo…
Ok, so i've calibrated the device and have a strange output in euler.
Every axis works and shows correct values…
This is not an issue for HLAirshipsCore, but someplace to develop support for ColdJ's HotAirBalloons.
### Your idea:
I'm opening this on behalf of a discord user so hopefully I have the request right-- could variables somehow have their scope limited to some degree, such that a variable could be reas…
It would be nice to be able to import only the things we need from this library. For example when we are not using pulse or other tracking features. Those could be stripped out from the bundle…
When using the hat or the keyboard to pan around the cockpit, the headshake "freezes" until the camera stops moving. After 1 second, it resumes (sort of a harsh resuming, no blending between states).
Here we need to decide some things about conditional updates to nominate estimates, because they will cause some discrepancies in the nominate data.
1. Currently we check to see if any rollcalls ar…
## 🐛 Bug Report
It is unclear that large dependency graphs caused by the use of barrel files can slow test initialization dramatically. There are some tangential mentions of this in the documen…