Please add a page for blocking domains/email adresses in the admin area.
Josh told me to make a issue on Github
We could integrate https://wordpress.org/plugins/js-antispam/ for example as a new optional feature.
What do you think @bueltge @websupporter @schlessera ?
Just a reminder to not to use the restricted robot.txt from staging.
The Go SDK has continued to send the legacy metrics to runners, simultaneously with the new metrics. We should remove the legacy approach and only use the modern version which is more efficient.
Which Minimalist for Gmail option is causing the problem?
Under "main" > Toolbar
What is the problem? Describe completely:
Hide "refresh" - actually hides "more actions"
Hide "more actions"…
The two plugins are often recommended to be used together. Why not add a new "Blacklist Updater" option?
Many spam calls try to use call forwarding to bypass spam blocker, if there can be a function to block call forwarding incoming calls?
Now users of Organic Maps can add `addr:street` to addresses with `addr:place`. That is wrong and should be disabled in the editor. But it should be clear for users that the address there already exis…
There are two ways to group labels on GitHub: by color and by using a common prefix. Even though the color-coding helps, without a common prefix, labels that belong in the same category are not group…
Blocking aggressive Chinese crawlers/scrapers/bots :
I see many requests from AspiegelBot. If anyone has an opinion on…