We wanna introduce iframes on all city pages in hitchwiki to make this work from our side we need the following:
- [ ] make sure the iframe does not contain all the distraction buttons (see below) …
Hi @iandees,
First off, thanks for developing and maintaining the josm-mbtiles plugin! It's very useful.
I'm writing to inquire about the possibility of adding support for SQLite databases (.sql…
To support different existing and upcoming use cases of tiles more flexible both as interactive tile (button/link) and static tile (hero/content) with covered accessibility compliance we wan…
Previously I attempted to use pyvips to write a (big) tiff tile-by-tile, but that is not supported yet: https://github.com/libvips/libvips/discussions/2860. Since I can now map #4223 a VImage to a pyv…
This issue describes the challenges around geolocation tracking on the backend.
Currently, the implementation is quite simple, but sooner or later it will need to evolve to handle more use-cases (…
To date our tool uses freely available google map tiles to train a classifier for coaligned satellite/air photo tiles. Unfortunately google map tiles contain labels, text, and inconsistent color codes…
The `refine_map` function is running quite slowly, even on a decent system. We use `prange` from `Numba` to iterate over each pixel of reconstruction space. At each pixel, we need to access a masked s…
Static tiles that are missing a zoom attribute should default to the value X in the below example:
If value X is missing it should then default to 0.
Currently static tiles missing a zoom a…
I used Tiled to create a tiled map.
So that I can add static visual assets offgrid, I added an Object Layer and used the "T"-shortcut with on selected tiles.
You can see the result here:
In my project, when I load a level dynamically, the level has a tilesource associated with it in the *.lua file.
I use this string to load the static tilemap (level map in my collection as a placehol…