I am wondering how I can import PYG datasets and convert it to the CogDL data format. For example, currently I didn't find CogDL supports Reddit for transductive learning. (I also didn't fin…
## Title & Topic
- sequence prediction 분야에서의 transduction, transductive learning 개념과 방법론을 알아본다
- transducer로서의 RNN 개념을 파악한다
- transduction에서 파생된 트랜스포머 네트워크 개념을 이해한다
## Upload schedule
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logits_a = net2(generated_g, generated_features)
acc2 = evaluate(net2, sub_g_b, sub_features_b, sub_labels_b, sub_test_mask_b)
训练和测试的时候不是同一个graph。但是GCN不是一个transductive learning吗?为什么…
Hi, @rusty1s , thanks for your really great job and wonderful codes!!! I am recently doing some jobs about Graph Representation Learning and I am working on Reddit dataset. It seems you deal with the …
### Description
To train the GraphSAGE or HinSAGE model without node attributes we currently need use a one-hot input feature matrix which is computationally intractable for a large number of nodes. …
Hello, author. When I ran your model, I could not get the experimental results in the paper on the data sets FLO,SUN and AWA2. Could you please provide the parameters when running FLO,SUN and AWA2?
hi,can you tell me what exactly has changed in the INDUCTIVE code? I see your code is in TRANSDUCT code.
Can this code (pygcn) be used directly in transductive learning? I notice that the train loss (in train.py) is calculated as `loss_train = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train])`, but in pap…
I'm hoping to confirm that the hyperparameters specified in your paper are correct. Specifically, for miniimagenet, 100k meta steps were taken during training? I ask because it seems some of…