### Subject of the feature
It would be nice if `remark-retext` could support a unified plugin list instead of a processor using the same syntax as `unified-engine`. Logic for this resides in https:…
#### Version(if relevant): 2.25.1
#### Environment(if relevant): Node (checked on 18, 19, and 20)
#### Code(if relevant):
#### Expected:
Hey! 👋
I'm using `remark-shiki-twoslash` with `unified` and I get this error `TypeError: attacher.call is not a function.` I already opened a discussion at https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified/disc…
Hi @aioutecism, hi @alisonatwork 👋 Long time no speak! Hope you are well.
I noticed a new bug in amVim in the last weeks (maybe something to do with a new version of VS Code - I'm using `1.72.2` - …
## Feature request
#### What problem does this feature solve?
Some transformers like remark.js.org allows asynchronous plu…
There is another LaTeX parser called [tree-sitter-latex](https://github.com/latex-lsp/tree-sitter-latex) based on [tree-sitter](https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter).
I'm wondering about the …
### Subject of the feature
It’s hard to sort definitions manually, and vague how to do it.
### Problem
My list of definitions, at the end of readmes, is messy
### Expected behavior
The shape of the `node` object passed to `customizeTOC` doesn't match the [`Node`](https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist#node) interface as specified by the latest version of `unified`. This is what th…
remark is switching to a new parser internally ([`remarkjs/remark#536`](https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/pull/536)).
It seems this plugin should be fine, however, it would be good to check t…
`src/language-js/printer-estree.js` seems to be a monolithic set of functions to format all possible elements of an estree that comes in some form from the parser
I wonder if there could be a way t…