**Access violation at address 000000006EB2A7AC in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address 0000000000000050.**
[000000006EB2A7AC] Substation.TSubstation.AddSubstationCodeAsCodePrefix_Selection (Line…
Running our project on linux we get the following error:
PdfTemplating.XslFO.XslFORenderException: Error occurred while rendering the XslFO into Pdf File output. --->
**Grid index out of range.**
[00000000632AC90D] Vcl.ValEdit.TValueListEditor.DeleteRow
[00000000632B0A70] ImportGenericSettings.TfmImportGeneric.SpinEdit1Change (Line 372, "ImportGenericSettings.…
**Out of memory: **
**Memory block: $00909320 ARRAY [?]**
**Allocating: 1064 bytes**
**Largest available: 1179648 bytes**
**Total allocated (RTL): 482653128 bytes**
**Total allocated (virtual): 4…
## Description:
When working with Windows API functions (such as SetWindowsHookExW) using ctypes, providing a HOOKPROC callback function of an incorrect type results in an unclear error message. This…
**Application made attempt to call method of already deleted object: $0000015A416E1850 OBJECT [TPipesUnit] 248 bytes.**
[0000000051F31CDA] System.TObject.GetInterface
[0000000051FEAE7D] System.Sy…
**Data error.**
[0000000070A5C115] JclCompression.TJclCompressionArchive.CheckOperationSuccess
[0000000070A62C30] JclCompression.TJclSevenzipDecompressArchive.ExtractAll
[0000000070A665C8] GLSCor…
- Your suggestions / 你的建议
通过SetWindowPos 动态调整窗口的z-order
nint hWndOfYuan = ?;
nint hWndOfMask = ?;
_ = User32.SetWindowPos(hWndOfYuan, hWndOfMask, 0, 0, 0, 0, User3…
emako updated
3 months ago
**Access violation at address 0000000064B1A35B in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address 0000000000000000.**
[0000000064B1A35B] frmOpenDSSAnalysis._SetGroupBoxEnabledFlag (Line 199, "frmOpenDSSAna…
World of Warcraft\_retail_> .\memdump.exe .\Wow.exe
[04:09:07.000807]: Started Wow.exe [0x6464]
[04:09:07.000808]: Allocated remote buffer at 0x7ff6d1610000
[04:09:07.000812]: Process b…