$vbot->messageHandler->setHandler(function (Collection $message) {
file_put_contents("./c.log", print_r($message, true) . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
if ($message['type'] === 'group_change') {
# Feature request
It would be really useful to
* Output the velocity of the nodal feature e.g. in StitchNodes.
* Be able to subtract velocity of nodal feature from the winds around it (to ge…
### Priority
### Area
- [ ] Data
- [ ] Source
- [ ] Docker
- [ ] Other
### What happened?
followName = "autofollow"
if not storage[followName] then storage[follo…
微信中 获取消息中的图片 怎么获取不到啊 有人遇到这个问题吗 说是传msgid就可以 但现在vbot中我打印了下URL https://wx.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin\webwxgetmsgimg?&MsgID=1554087809217354188&skey=@crypt_e53c0f9d_0c04cdb636a86972e9c74a976691a959
在群里有大概聊可能的原因, 这里也记录下. 还没深究, 建议:
1. 是不是可以配置里加一个开启 debug 模式, 非 debug 模式出现 undefined index 就不用退出程序了
2. 报错可以提示具体出处的代码文件和行数更方便定位和使用者直接解决问题
以下是相关信息, 上传 github 不顺畅就直接贴图片链接了
1. 出错现场: http://10…
Test a new formulation for the length scale of Mixed Layer Eddies (MLE) on top of [114](https://github.com/NCAR/cesm_dev/issues/17). We expect these MLE settings will help mitigate t…
Baseline sanity check using cesm3_beta04
We will be using the setting from [112](https://github.com/NCAR/cesm_dev/issues/15) for CAM, CPL and MOM.
CLM and…
Control run with cesm3_0_alpha04a to test the new dust.
The control still uses the old dust scheme: Zender
- **add RRTMGP**
./xmlchange --append CAM…
For each module, it's enough to instantiate a logger, set its logging level to `error` and place `logger.debug` and `logger.error` statements in appropriate places.