Why not use [schemastore](https://www.schemastore.org/) to get json schema?
Related issue:
**Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduction instructions.**
# Problems summary
I got an error when setting the config for the command line completion via p…
1. Create a file owned by root: `sudo touch foo.txt`
2. Open an another terminal (to end the sudo's session)
3. Open `vim`
4. `:Suda foo.txt`
5. Edit something.
6. `:w`
7. Input an incorrect pas…
xnoremap 8k
xnoremap 8j
# Problems summary
If I run :Calculator immediately after starting Vim, I will see ‘[ddc] Not found ui: “pum”’.
## Expected
The ‘[ddc] Not found ui: “pum”’ is not displayed.
## Environment Inf…
Hello, thanks for this nice project!
I think the types are useful for everyone writing nvim plugins with typescript and it would be great if you can split them so it can have its own development a…
## 各リポジトリの関係性
- coc-patched.nvim
- coc.nvim を置き換える用。coc-patching.nvim を submodule として持つ
- ビルド系に関する変更を、本体への変更と切り分けたかったのでこの構成
- coc-patching.nvim
- coc.nvim での直接の作業
- ddc-coc-patched
- …
**Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduction instructions.**
# Problems summary
The first time of opening for DDU list and using "j" or "k" to move cursor…
Thanks for the great project! I have the following problem. Could you help me?
In the following configuration file, Copilot is not attached on first start.
let &rtp .= expandcmd(',:p:h/den…
**Warning: I will close the issue without the minimal init.vim and the
reproduction instructions.**
# Problems summary
`vim.fn["ddu#ui#getItem"]`doesn't work
## Expected