I try to debug code from Visual Studio Code, but get the following error. I have tried to follow the instructions in the readme, but just can't figure this one out. So sorry if this is the wrong …
@satra , sorry for a basic LD question -- how would we do that? ;)
@surchs is interested to see how dandischema records might look like in json-ld and might be interested to use/help with all json-…
TextBox2 doesn't wrap Japanese text. I'm trying to support Japanese text wrapping. My code is pushed to https://github.com/hsogo/psychopy/tree/feature-textwrapping Current code may be inefficient and…
hsogo updated
3 years ago
Przeanalizować wyniki pierwszego ucznia, 3mln kroków min?
Czy zrobić 2 wersję z bardziej rozbudowaną strukturą czy już jest ok?
I know I saw this once before on the old SF site, but I wanted to bring this up here.
The [Black Magic Probe](https://github.com/blacksphere/blackmagic/wiki) - is both a piece of hardware, and a so…
_From @DGMurdockIII on December 21, 2017 0:33_
don't now if you have heard of gaffer but I would like it supported in this app if not here this is what it is Gaffer is an open source application fra…
+1. Gatys, Leon, Alexander S. Ecker, and Matthias Bethge. "Texture synthesis using convolutional neural networks." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2015.
+2. Gatys, Leon A., Alexa…
Is not being able to come up with a standard definition for adding graphs a burden? One if the other questions mentioned other ways of analyzing graphs, and although we haven't gotten to that lecture …
ghost updated
9 years ago
Please add the following to `visual-programming-codex`:
1. isomorƒ (see issue #43)
1. Aardappel
1. Grail (Graphical Input Language) (see issue #40)
1. ADL
1. AgentSheets
1. Agilent
1. Alice