从 `ant-mobile` 那边进来看的, 发现楼主 用 `babel-plugin-antd` 而不是用 `antd官方推荐` 的 `babel-plugin-import` 打包 `ant-mobile` 的原因是什么?
另外想问下, 楼主在 webpack2.x 下打包过 `ant-mobile` 没有?我在webpack1.x下是可以正常编译, 但是在 webpack2.x下, 总…
Adding the file like in the instructions has no effect; nothing is output.
Is it possible to use tree shaking with webpack2 in this skeleton?
On the webpack2 branch I changed my .babelrc to the following
"presets": [ ["es2015", { "loose": true, "modules": false}], …
Just started using react-app-rewire and tried using react-app-rewire-sass to solve some of the issues in my SASS transpile chain (seems like this is the perfect module for the job).
I downl…
For now the System-builder can:
- Build fast (scope hoisting) & small (tree-shaking) modules with `buildStatic` & Rollup
- Build less efficient `System.register` bundles enabling code splitting and …
After the first` yarn start` I got several warnings:
> WARNING in ./src/images/react_logo.svg
(Emitted value instead of an instance of Error) DEPRECATED. Configure gifsicle's interlaced option in …
Write a webpack2 plugin for cssPlus
Vue2, Webpack2 error:
Unexpected token: operator (>) [./~/vue-strap/src/utils/utils.js:4,0]
There are a few typos on readme.md file