I was searching in the issues and googled "XVim2" afterwards only to end up in the neighboring project.
I am using Filemerge as my git's mergetool. This is the warning I got.
`FileMerge[82800:f03] Error loading /Users/MyName/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/XVim.xcplugin/Cont…
Has anyone determined how hard it would be to add a homebrew formula for XVim?
just a basic brew install XVim and brew update XVim would be very nice to have.
但是我在快速输入的时候 会有卡顿的现象 我用的是15寸的ProR 配置应该是不低的
另外 我用了XVim 的插件 发现我删除一行的时候 烟花效果不会散去 要再一次敲打键盘才会散去
# Description
[when I tryed to compaile the Xvim project. It reported a mistake that DVTTextSidebarView.h can't find.But I just downloaded the Xvim from the github]
# Operation
[I like to use …
When I try to write comments in Chinese, I found that the Chinese input method is unable to get the focus. So it is seem to be impossible to write Chinese characters. After trying different input meth…
I'm using the 'XCode5.1_support' branch
Thanks for adding the 'Disable XVim" feature, it's very useful for Pair Programming.
Do you know if it's possible to bring back the cmd functions like cop…
It would be nice if XVim behaved better during an XCode refactor->rename interaction or if it were simply disabled in that context. I'm not sure how hacky it would be to intercept the return key and …
# Description
XVim overwrites the contents of register 0 after pasting from register 0 in visual mode. Similar to the problem reported in https://github.com/XVimProject/XVim/issues/341
# Operation
I followed the install instructions using a clean clone of xvim and even installing with sudo to work around the unsign issue, but it just crashes on launch for me. Is there another step required?