J'ai bien réussi à inclure cet interrupteur, par contre des commandes sont manquantes pour pouvoir allumer et éteindre via jeedom, effectivement en l'état je peut uniquement voir si la lumière est all…
I would be keen for this as well (same use case) including decoupling the buttons and switches. I have these https://www.zemismart.com/products/kes-606us-l1 which come with a ZS3L chip (also on aliex…
### Link
### Model
### Description
Zemismart Tuya Zigbee Real-time Smart Energy Monitor / Electric Energy Meter
### Vendor
### Problem description
After added meter to Zigbee network, no entities for metering are visible in HA.
Item: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005418122329.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_m…
### Link
### Database entry
### Link
Hi Johan,
First of all thanks for adding the Zemismart curtain motor (TS0601) in your latest test version (0.2.3)!
I noticed one issue though. Open (100%) and close (0%) works well, but any perc…
### What happened?
I bought these devices: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005002510471714.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.1dc279d2cdHTjO&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld
They successfully b…
### What happened?
I've been encountering this behavior for more than a year.
I have about 30 ZM25 Roller Motors (both [0.8n](https://www.zemismart.com/products/zm25-zb) and [2n](https://www.zemisma…