cf. https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2469
I added [ElasticLunr.js](http://elasticlunr.com/) search support to my WARC/DOM/PDF saving web archiving tool recently: [Bookmark Archiver](https://github.com/pirate/bookmark-archiver).
In the proc…
When I run `gatsby build/develop`, everything works fine, but this plugin causes my console to throw `GraphQLError: String cannot represent an array value: []` for every single node in my app, for som…
We need:
- [ ] A good table of contents in each module, manual page, etc. I don't know if this should be a global index, or local to that page. It might depend on the project being documented.
- […
Find a way to create a search index that can be used by a JS library I guess?
Keats updated
6 years ago
I encountered some issues on the new library page on my iPhone. Made a video for you 👍
On desktop:
- [x] If I select …
Expected behavior: The card for CS 4710 appears as the first result
Actual behavior: The card for ENGL 4710 appears as the first result, then CS4710
Attempted search fields: "CS4710", "CS 4710".
It would be really helpful if keywords would also be searched inside the documentation itself (right-side pane) and not only limited to the list (left-side pane). For example: while looking for "after…
Each language needs a few components:
- *stemmer* - algorithm which reduces words to their root
- *trimmer* - removes all non-word characters
- *stop word filter* - removes unimportant words (if th…