Hi @juliandewit ,
First of all, thank you for your hard work and for releasing the codes. Correct me if I'm wrong but, You said that you trained two models, one is trained on LUNA data set only and t…
> **New Functions**
- [ ] Explore variable selection based on univariate model performance, see [Oeser et al., 2024](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/geb.13911)
- [ ] New function to calc…
I have a 5 steps ensemble pipeline for triton.
* 3 steps are torchscript artifacts
* 2 steps are tensorrt compiled models
in pbtxts files I have
instance_group [{ kind: KIN…
Thank you for your library.
Theano is not popular anymore. Can we use it with Tensorflow backend?
In addition, I trained several NN models and saved models as .h5 files. I want to do further ensemb…
Hello, I cannot run the code because I get this error:
(venv) linus@linux:~/trading/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Automated-Stock-Trading-Ensemble-Strategy-ICAIF-2020$ python run_DRL.py
We are planning to expand the platform further and trying to bring in more quality content for the page. Suggestions regarding what should be added to the Intermediate Track are welcome under this iss…
Can you add "resnet50_pretrained_vgg_rot30_2019Nov13_08.20" and "resnet18_rot30_2019Nov05_17.44" trained weights on your shared google drive folder for ensemble method, they are missing and I can't g…
I am enjoying Equinox a great deal and it seems a huge ergonomic improvement over raw JAX in many cases. Thank you for building it!
I am using `Equinox` to do ensembling in a similar way to [docs#e…
pedantic, I know, but README.md has a typo in the Categorical Ensembling section where it refers to `markets` in the first sentence, not `models`.
thanks for putting out this package. It seems very usable/promising.
I'm using the 0.11.5 version mljar-supervised from conda-forge.
One little question: after giving it a shot, I wanted…