The following parameters, under `config.qrcode` in [example/satosa/pyeudiw_backend.yaml](https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it-python/blob/d2ab68d207345920d0816aaf733a38ffd51326e8/example/satosa/py…
It is required the implementation profile for the proximity flow in accordance with ARF and ISO 18013-5
This PR is required https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it-docs/pull/51
I-D.terbu-sd-jwt-vc doesn't support OIDC Federation, that's a webpki with trust chains and a solid alternative to X.509
_Originally posted by @peppelinux in https://github.com/vcstuff/oid4vc-haip-s…
@rohe 's:
In https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it-docs/blob/versione-corrente/docs/en/relying-party-solution.rst
It says about Authorization Request Details: "The value corresponding to the …
The sd-jwt issuance is tested with RSA and not with EC
we must support both
_Originally posted by @peppelinux in https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it-python/pull/101#discussion_r1295256503_
The heading of the discovery page and the subsequent pages should be h1 (not h3).
The heading of the two columns in the discovery page should be h2 (not h3).
see https://github.com/italia/eudi-wallet-it-docs/pull/166#issuecomment-1824572218
Replace the placeholder square with the icons shown inside the prototype. View details:
- Page “Continua sul tuo smartphone” insert mobile icon ([link](https://www.figma.com/file/wvXrFloFfHi6kd0176…
Provide a dynamic field to describe the type of service requested by the user and the name of the Relying Party. When the service is not available, report only the name of the RP. Following are the su…