你好 我安装的版本是ngx-echarts V2.1.0 ;
在app.module.ts 内 import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts';
编译时报错 cannot-redeclare-block-scoped-variable-ngdevmode
之前echart可以显示了,非常感谢!但是现在想调后台数据来显示,Jhipster项目中已经实现后台数据更新重新加载,然后我将更新后的数据重新赋给echarts,不知道echarts插件中是调哪个函数来重新加载了,比如说:原生JS 中用echarts加载时,是用myechart.setOption这个API来加载配置项。使用echarts插件改怎么重新加载echarts图呢?
既然支持了angular6了,索性把版本号也改成 6.0.0吧 ,洋气!
Thanks for your works, seems it's a great plug-in.
npm: 5.3.0
Angular: 4.4.6
Angular-cli: 1.5.3
I try to involve that into my project, but met below error:
ERROR in Erro…
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Hi there,
This might be an issue related to Angular rather than angular2-moment. However, I'm stuck so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I've been working on a project using …
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