Right now when you plot the tuning curves (constant rate responses) of a population, it plots them as a function of x. This is nice in the scalar case, as then you can visualize the effect of the enco…
Our question is how have sea otter populations changed over the past 40 years in the Santa Barbara Channel and has the implementation of MPA's in that area had an impact on those populations? We will …
Entity populations in the civ overview are sometimes negative.
The 4 [chip](https://vuetifyjs.com/en/comp…
`I expect I am doing something wrong (v 2.1.0), but here are the two issues I am having:
(1) using 633 X chromosome SNPs with males and females (and sex ratio recorded as indicated in the user manual…
I have wrote a few thoughts on the Rcapture package that uses loglinear models to explore capture/recapture datasets in open and closed populations.
3. Please do not post my review.
Find pubs with multiple species/populations and describe process of selecting model to focus analysis on.
I used:
bcftools mpileup -f reference.fa -b bamlist.txt -r chr10 | bcftools call -m -Oz -f GQ -o chr10-bcf.vcf.gz to get all sites vcf
I used command:
pixy --stats pi dxy fst …
"Might be interesting to also show a TRS-like metric for distribution of AA polymorphisms per position conditional on just knowing allele freqs for the populations." - Dr. Gragert