Thank you for produced this plugin. so helpful for me.
I had used Retina supports on gulp.spritesmith, Sprite image order problem happen.
At first, I ready these images,
- cat.png
- cat@2x.p…
When using the retina-sprite mixin, I get the wrong width and height for my sprites.
Let's say a sprite is supposed to appear 46px wide and high on the page. The retina-sprite mixin will use 92px f…
I needed Sprites Images. I installed this about that:
`npm install ulp.spritesmith`
Installed version ^6.2.1
For that I have extended this file: ./template/gulpfile.babel.js
Import library:
**EDIT 26/11/2018**:
* **Am I affected?**:
If you are using anything crypto-currency related, then maybe. As discovered by @maths22, the target seems to have been identified as copay related libr…
I'm trying to create a retina sprite with this gulp task:
gulp.task('sprite-retina', function () {
var data = gulp.src('src/sprite-bitmap/*.png').pipe(plugins.spritesmith({
I have used grunt-spritesmith before and find that I can parse a image-config to grunt-spritesmith, it works perfect.
Now I don't know how gulp.spritesmith do with multi image-config, I had tried "me…
I'm trying to create a retina sprite with this gulp task:
> ```
> gulp.task('t_sprite', function () {
> var spriteData = gulp.src(imgDir+'*.png')
> .pipe(debug({title:"png : "}))
> .pi…
I am using Phoenix with this to attempt to create a `sprites.scss` file. My directories are all set, and I still can't seem to get a `.scss` file that is not empty. Everything I have tried, cre…
I am trying to create 2 separate sprite images for later usage in one Sass file, but there is a problem, since both generates sass files have the same variable name: `$spritesheet` (`$spritesheet…
Миксином retinaSprite можно вставить только хд-спрайты одинарного размера и двойного.
То есть если в папке `app/sprites//` имеются спрайты других размеров то сборка падает
Нужно сделать: