Today I spent some time with a scholar who is interested in Alexandre von Humboldt. Sandra Rebok is her name a fellow at the Huntington Library, currently. She spotted a person related to Humboldt and…
Gostaria de saber como posso alterar o script para que ele seja compatível com o [Módulo do Pagseguro - Prestashop](https://github.com/pagseguro/pagseguro-modulo-prestashop). Acredito que o ["checkout…
## Creator of issue
Nils Meyer
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg
## The issue relates to
- [ ] EAC-CPF schema issue
- [ ] EAC-CPF Tag L…
vns2 updated
3 months ago
- Limitador dos campos como CPF, CNPJ, CEP.etc...
- Implementar API Frontend CEP onde após preencher o CEP puxa todas informações da Rua, Cidade, etc...
- Trocar conveniado para um ComboBox com a op…
Critérios de aceitação:
Permitir ao cliente uDrive realizar o cadastro de motorista.
Para cadastro, deverá ser informado Nome completo, Número da CNH, Universidade, Número da matrícula, CPF…
Currently the plugin is not supporting copy the character movement component. It will skip by
"if ((ObjectProp->PropertyFlags & (CPF_Edit)) == 0)"
And even if force copying it, nothing will happen …
### Why is this issue important?
unable to upload a valid file
### Current State
uploading a test file for project 1c and receive an error that filed DU is required, but file has a value for DU ent…
[100%] Linking CXX executable ../bin/rgbd_tum
../lib/libORB_SLAM2.so:对‘pcl::SupervoxelClustering::SupervoxelClustering(float, float)’未定义的引用
_Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above._
## Creator of issue
_State your name, organisation and ways to reach you._
Name: Kerstin Arnold
Organisation: Archives Portal Europe …
_Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above._
## Creator of issue
_State your name, organisation and ways to reach you._
Name: Kerstin Arnold
Organisation: Archives Portal Europe …