Currently, the pipeline REQUIRES a T1w image in the input BIDSdir, but I'd like to run on a dataset of only TSE slabs (`/scratch/jdekrake/Hippocampal_AutoTop_tests/Generalizability_dataset` on graham)…
### Daily status - May 2021
This is the daily status thread for May 2021. Daily status posts will be put daily (or when I get to it) below this post.
[Click here to see last months da…
Hi, thank you for the awesome package.
As I was using WhiteStripe to process my data with the following line,
_wsIndex = whitestripe(img = ws, type = ImageType, stripped = FALSE)_
one of my cas…
**Submitting author:** @mathpluscode (Yunguan Fu)
**Repository:** https://github.com/DeepRegNet/DeepReg
**Version:** v0.1.0
**Editor:** @Kevin-Mattheus-Moerman
**Reviewers:** @ethanwharris, @lbrea, @z…
大神,你好,我最近正在进行图像配准方向的研究。有幸拜读到你的论《Recursive Cascaded Networks for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration》,想请教一下你,你在使用级联方法的时候,在计算约束项损失函数的时候是否有除级联层数呢?
Hi, I'm reviewing the DeepReg paper on JOSS (openjournals/joss-reviews/issues/2705). In order to satisfy the state of the field check in the software paper review criteria, it would be good if you cou…
How do I solve this, I am running into error while registering a new user
**Traceback (most recent call last)**
File "C:\Users\pc\Desktop\capstone\DocAtHome-master\DocEnv\Lib\site-packages\flask\app…
Hi all,
I am running a 3-step registration where I generate my own atlas averaging my data. I am using mice brain data acquired sagittally.
Practically, initially I do a rigid registration to the …
I am trying to read an rgb image(.jpg) and plot it using ants.plot() but it does not plot the image properly and instead plots noise.
Here is my image :