modelsim/questa Tcl Store implementation looks for vsim executable through PATH entries. Problem is that executable with such name exists not only in modelsim/questa installations, which causes errors…
``` vhdl
package nested_function_bug is
procedure proc(param : integer);
end package;
package body nested_function_bug is
procedure proc(param : integer) is
variable foo : bit_vector(0 to par…
I'm trying to synthesize with yosys Verilog code instantiating a standard BRAM template.
Yosys works fine until I've added the BRAM initialization.
The snippet of code creating problems is the followi…
Only two out four actors are working with the HLS backend after Vivado HLS synthesis.
The Autocorellation and Reflection_coef actors seems to block while reading tokens.
Author Name: **Fabrizio Ferrandi**
Original Redmine Issue: 715 from https://www.veripool.org
Original Date: 2014-02-14
Original Assignee: Wilson Snyder (@wsnyder)
I've found another simula…
the following code seems to create problem with yosys read_verilog command.
I've tried both
read_verilog lshift.v
read_verilog -D__ICARUS__ lshift.v
This code has been generated by the …