This issue is based around the following file: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/BingAds-docs/blob/master/BingAds/bingads-12/guides/sandbox.md.
Within the above file, there's a paragraph which is as…
Please can you add a filter to this page so I can filter just the samples that have PHP examples. Saves me having to click into each to find out if there is a PHP version.
#### Document Details
It would be really useful here to have a Getting started path that just used the Developer Token to query Bing Ads API. I'm trying to use the Management Model for Direct Advertisers so an Oauth walkth…
Hey guys, i noticed the E_STRICT level notice in v12 classes, when i try to use `new OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant()` class on `5.6.33` PHP version
`PHP Strict standards: Static function Microso…
Hi Eric and team, It would be helpful if you could recommend which of these to start with. As a newbie I am just looking for guidance to get me started. Just providing a long list with explanations of…
This all feels a bit too much like starting in the deep end. Is there a very basic hello world example you can show? e.g.
include these libraries
this is how you auth with dev token and …
There's no point in having a link on a page that links to itself is there? "The Authorization Data class contains.." just links to the same anchor point... I was actually expecting that link to go to …
I have been looking around and end up on this page, but I am unable to find the actual csv file that I can download (manually, not through API), and take a look at the Geo Locations. Where can I downl…
Hi ,
I am new to Bing ads API . i couldn't retrieve the keyword suggestions from bing keyword planner tool. here is the sample program i am following https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/bingads/guide…
In order to get this to compile with .Net 4.5 in Visual Studio 2013 on Server 2008R2 I had to
1. Add "using System.Net.Http;"
2. Replace all 4 occurrences of "Microsoft.BingAds" with "Microsoft.BingAd…